Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankful for our Thanksgiving Vacation!

I dedicate this blog to Rebecca Stephenson, because she inspires me to do this by doing her own blog diligently!  

We were so blessed to go home for the holiday and see BOTH sides of our family!  Thank you to the Woods for collectively helping us make the trip (financially).  It was a well-needed rest time for us to:

Sleep in while Bobby's mom watched Gia

Go on a REAL DATE! while Bobby's parents watched Gia (we played putt-putt)  

For Bobby to play a LOT of X-box with his brother Josh

Fo rme not to cook or do laundry (thanks Mama Faye!!)

Gianna was off her schedule a bit, of course, because of the 2 hour time change.  She thought that 11:30pm was really 9:30pm, which meant that I was up very late every night because Gia doesn't always let anyone else but me put her to sleep for the night.  But, like I said, after feeding her in the morning and hanging out with her for a little bit, someone else in the family gladly took her off my hands so that I could sleep.

Uncle Josh had a blast hanging out with his neice, and Grandmama and Granddaddy had melted hearts all week.  Here's some proof.



We spent Thanksgiving at the river house, eating great food (BBQ, Turkey AND Venison!), and then Bobby, Josh and I braved the crowds on Friday to get some good deals.  Not as good as I had hoped, but my Christmas shopping is pretty much done, so I was happy.  Then on Saturday my parents came up on their way back from Florida and stayed for a couple days.  I'd like to think they came to see me, but as you can see from these pictures, that's probably not the case :o)



I have so much more to say, but I'd rather break it up into multiple blogs so that you don't have to read it all at once.  I hope you all had a special Thanksgiving and were able to spend it with family.  We charished our time in South Carolina and are looking forward to spending more time with our families again at Christmas.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

5 months and sitting up!

My baby hit 5 months on Halloween.  I can't believe how fast this past month has gone!  It has been a good month, except Gia has been a bit difficult in her eating habits, and she stopped sleeping through the night.  I don't know why she went from sleeping 9-10 hours to needing to wake up for a feeding, but I am making the best of it.  At least I am blessed enough to not be working at this point so that I can sleep in a little if neccessary.


Gianna started sitting up for a few seconds at a time a few weeks ago.  She could sit on soft surfaces, like a bed, but not on the floor.  And then on Sunday I placed her on the floor, and she sat up for a long time!  Now she can sit for long stretches by herself, although I put the boppy pillow around her so that if she topples over, she won't bonk her head.  She is doing so well and she enjoys sitting up.Here are some pictures to prove that she can do it :o)



The weather has gotten colder here, so Mom and I put Gia in her snow suite today.  We took a walk with Nola down to the park, and she stayed nice and toasty.  She looked awfully cute, too!  She has outgrown all of her hats, so it's good that the snow suite has a hood!
