We were excited to go to the SB Convention in New Orleans (and vote for Fred Luter!), but if I'm totally honest, my true joy was seeing all of my sweet friends that I miss so much. This verse runs through my head everytime I think of my Westwego peoples:
"I thank my God everytime I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now... It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart..." Philippians 1:3-7
I can't express the love I have for these people; my heart aches to see them again. I desperately want to take them all to Utah with me!
I love these sweet children! Canon, Bethany, Ella, and of course Gia!
I was always sad that we left Westwego just as Katie and her husband had joined the church and we begun hanging out. And now they have a sweet baby, Tripp (which we helped give him his nick-name :o) )
Marcia, my dear friend! I miss our talks and your Boston Cream dessert! She always has a smile on her face, no matter the circumstances.
Janna and Daniel! We love your humor and your music! I miss hearing ya'll lead us in worship. It was so special to spend time with them and introduce them to Gia.
Chris and Sena had us over for dinner one night, and we ate Sena's famous Red Beans and Rice! There has never been a more sacrifical couple than these two. They practically made our wedding happen! I miss them so much!
My buddy Canon! Such a special young man. With everything he's been through, he has mantained the sweetest spirit I've ever met. We are BFF.
Gia loved him, too!
WILL! Bobby's roommate...that I had to kick out so that I could move in after marrying Bobby. But he got my old room in the church, so it was a trade. Right, Will? I miss laughing with you, Will, and I know Bobby misses giving you a hard time :o)
Bill Taylor, Bobby's old boss and our dear friend. He will never know the impact he has had on our lives. And to his lovely wife Rose, not pictured, we love you as well!
Dana, I MISS you!! I miss talking about Jesus with you and seeing your smiling face! She never has a harsh word to say about anyone. Such a sweet friend!
Pastor JayAHHHH! Bobby and I could write a whole book on how you have changed our lives. You are the reason we are married (well, you and the Lord), and you have deeply affected our theology and the way we view ministry. We miss you so much, Jay.
Bryan and Amanda came over for a visit while we were in New Orleans, too! What a fun couple! I miss laughing and talking with you guys, and I can't watch Phantom of the Opera anymore because it makes me think of you, which makes me sad. Come see us in Utah!
Amanda S, you have grown into such an amazing, capable young woman. You are doing a fantastic job raising your son. He's a great kid! Keep seeking the Lord in what you do. He will be faithful in your life. I was so glad that we got to spend time with them during our NOLA visit!
The precious Adkins family! My heart is so full of love for you. Quint has gone from a smart, funny, loving little boy that I watched graduate from kindergarten, to a SUPER smart, funny, loving young man. You are going to do great things! Michelle, you have raised wonderful boys! You are such a great mom. I miss just hanging out with you and hearing your wise advice. Sigh. Come visit us!
My two favorite quotes from our week:
Quint: "We have to go to Baskin Robbins, because Lindsay is here and that's what we always do."
Canon: "...and then I could hang out with my best friends." Me: "Who's your best friend?" Canon: "You are!"
And finally, the Eslers. Organized, talented Kelli, smart, laid-back George, caring, generous Bethany, and fun, spirit-filled Ella. We spent the week at their house while we were in NOLA, and stayed up way too late watching the Duggars and talking theology. I miss having these friends close to us. Kelli, no one else (except the other Kelly) loves all the same TV shows that I do. I wish we could watch them together all the time! Thank you SO much for your hospitality, motherly advice, and friendship.
Sweet Bethany, loving on Ella and Gia.
Bobby's buddy, Bethany.
There are other friends that we love dearly who, for some reason, I didn't get pictures with. Billy & Mae, Denise, the Crespos, and many others. I have a full heart of love for you all, and I miss you so much. I hope that we can visit you again (sooner than 2 1/2 years!). And Denise, thank you for the Mardi Gras beads! Gianna LOVES them!