Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Blankets & Hiding Places

Yesterday we noticed that Gianna was starting to carry things around with her... mostly a blanket or stuffed animal.  She particularly loves the stuffed animal (we think it's supposed to be a bear) that Bobby brought her back from Peru before she was born.  She holds it under her arm and keeps it close as she walks all around the house.  She also has a couple of blankets that she loves to carry.  It's about the cutest thing ever.

Today we were all in the living room hanging out after dinner, and Gianna began opening the doors to the entertainment center and pulling things out.  Then she tried to stick her leg into the shelf, and then the rest of her!  She can't fit in it, but she was so cute trying!

As Gianna keeps getting bigger and doing new things, I want to cling more to her babyhood than ever.  I think that especially since I began working, I feel like the time is flying by too quickly and I don't have the time to really soak it in.  I'm glad I really like my job, otherwise I think I'd cry everyday as I think about missing out on watching Gia grow!  I am so thankful for the 14 months I had with her at home, and I hope that we find ourselves in a place where I can be home again with her at some point.  But we are blessed with a healthy, happy girl, and I'm just enjoying every moment I can with her!


Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's "New Things" Day!

Our day has been so fun and eventful!  But first, here's a recap of our 15 month doctor appointment we went to on Monday:

Weight: 21 lbs (25%)

Height: 31 1/4 inches (45%)

Head: 45%

So, looks like she grew a lot, gained weight well, and her body is finally catching up with her head!  She got 3 shots (one was the flu shot), and the lady went fast but made her bleed more than I would have liked.  It was Bobby's first experience with watching Gia get shots, and he was SO sad for her.  He scooped her up once they were over and held her close.  So sweet :o)  And I didn't have to be there all by myself!  The doctor was impressed with the fact that Gia says 10+ words, plus a two-word phrase, but said that we needed to be teaching her how to color.  Really?  I had no clue, I'm new at this stuff.  

Okay, on to today.  This morning we picked up bagels at Einstein's & went to Starbucks (and got our awesome Venti drinks thanks to my dad's free-drink coupons).  At Starbucks, Gia ate some bagel, whipped cream off my drink, and a banana.  When I offered her the banana, I said, "do you want some banana?"  Gia says, "Nana?"  She learned a new word!  Now she's been saying "nana" all day, which my mom was pretty excited about (since Gia will call her Nana).  Side note: later today Gianna learned to say "cheese."  She is just into learning the names of her favorite foods, ha ha.  That's my little bambino.

After coffee, we went to Kid-to-Kid to get her a cheap costume for Halloween.  Bobby wanted her to be a monkey since Gia's favorite thing to do is say "ooo ooo ooo" when you ask her what a monkey says.  We were really excited to find a cute, warm costume of a monkey in her size!  She looks adorable in it... I'm so ready for Halloween!

When we got home, Bobby was talking with his mom on the phone as he lay on the living room floor.  Gianna was carrying a toy & fell, hiting her face on Bobby's leg.  She sat up, cried big time and held her face.  I ran & picked her up, looking her face all over.  Then I saw blood pooling up in her mouth, and I freaked out.  I kept picturing the 19 Kids and Counting episode where Johanna bit through her cheek and had to get stitches.  After Bobby got the flashlight and looked in her mouth, I said, "Check up top."  And there it was, her new tooth!  I guess the fall had broken the skin & let the tooth come through!  Pretty cool (I mean, it was cool after I had given Gianna some ice chips and the pain went away).

Okay, time for some pictures from the day!  These are the clothes that I couldn't resist getting while we were at the consignment store.  I got good deals!


This jacket is my favorite!  I can't wait for colder weather now.


She needed some new shoes because her feet have been growing lately.  I'm way to frugle to spend real money on shoes that she'll only wear for 3 months.  The store had some good used ones, but no tennis shoes.  I did find these cute boots, though!


Bobby showed Gianna how to use the flashlight today.  It was cute watching her walk around shining the light on things and sticking it in her mouth.


Gianna loves my sunglasses, ha ha.


I just loved her outfit today, so we took a picture.  And thanks for my shirt, Mama Faye!  Go Gamecocks!!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

15 months!

Gianna turned 15 months this past Friday, August 31.  I can't believe all that she is doing now and how fast she's growing up.  Here's a recap of somethings I want to remember from these past couple months:

Still only has 2 teeth, but the top ones are close!

Still loves fruit and carbs... just like her mama.

Started walking (14 1/2 months)

Weaned off the bottle

Now only takes the paci at nap/night time (14 months)

Started saying "Mama" clearly, as well as "ball, bye-bye, bow" and sometimes "thank you"

Loves dancing to music!

Can make the sound of a monkey and cow

Knows where her nose, tongue and hair are.  She also pats her head when you ask her where her bow is.

Poses for the camera

Gives hugs sporadically and when asked

Spends all day away from me

Can show me where the "blue ball" is

Is learning to be "easy" (gentle), but doesn't quite get it yet.

This is a great age!  She gives lots of hugs, walks around, still cries sometimes when I leave the room (depends on her mood), and loves big kids.  She waves at everyone in the grocery store and says, "hi!"  She's very attatched to me, especially since I started working, but also loves being with and playing with Bobby.  She is starting to realize that the TV exists, but doesn't watch it for more than a few seconds.  Gia doesn't love the car as much at this point.  She's good for about 15 minutes, and then gets antsy.

You're so much fun, Gia!  I've had to let go of your babyhood a lot in this stage, but I'm looking forward to watching you develop your personality as you become a toddler.  We love you!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bye-Bye Bottle

When I went in for Gia's 12 month check-up, the doctor was adamant that I should wean Gianna off of the bottle as soon as possible.  So, being a first time mom, I listened and took away the first bottle.  But Gianna didn't like to drink milk out of the sippy, so I couldn't take away her other two because the doctor was also adamant that Gia get 24 onces of milk per day.

Well, two months rolled by, and Gianna was still on her nap-time and night-time bottles.  I had decided, the heck with our doctor, I was going to enjoy this time of feeding her a bottle.  I wasn't sure how or when we were going to wean her, but I wasn't in a rush.  Then, this past Monday, Gianna stopped drinking her milk with Kenna at nap-time.  And then she pushed the bottle away when Bobby fed her at night.  And then on Tuesday she wouldn't take the bottle from me, either.  The weekend before she had also started to really love drinking milk out of her sippy cup.  So, we figured that she had decided it was time to let go of the bottle and start using the sippy.  As you can see, she's adjusted well.

She likes to carry her sippy of water like a football at her side while drinking out of the sippy of milk.


No more pictures, please, Mom.

I cried at first when she gave up the bottle.  I mean, I had no warning!  I figured we would set a time to switch to the sippy, and then I could have like a week to get used to the idea and really charish those last few bottle feedings.  But we are quickly learning about our daughter that she does things when she's ready.  When she was ready to stop being swaddled, she just got her arms out of the wrap and slept free.  When she was ready to stop falling asleep with her milk while being rocked, she stayed awake and then put herself to sleep in the crib.  I don't need to worry about her giving things up (like the pacifier), because I know that when she's ready, that will be it.  She'll be done.

I thought that I was going to be really sad for a while when she gave up the bottle, but in fact, I think the times of reading to her before naps/bed are even sweeter.  She just leans against my chest, looks at the book with me, and helps me flip the pages.  It's sweet times of snuggling with each other (which doesn't happen often, or at least for very long).  I do feel like I'm letting go of her "babyhood" a bit, but each stage just gets better and better.  I look forward to when she'll be able to read the book to me :o)
