Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Gia, there are boys in your room!

On Tuesday, my friend Dawn and her twin boys came over to play.  Her sons are 10 months old, just a little older than Gia, and they are so active!  I love watching them and seeing what Gia will be doing soon.  Dawn gave me some good tips on how to baby-proof the house, as well as info on how she started her boys on certain foods, sippy cups, etc...  We worked together and became friends at LCA and are now enjoying being stay at home moms (for a while, anyway).  Everytime I have a tough situation with Gia, I think, "If Dawn can do this with 2 babies, then I can do it with one."  She inspires me!

I showed Dawn around Gia's nursery and we let the babies play on the floor.  Dawn said, "does Bobby know that there are boys in Gia's room?"  I laughed, picturing how protective Bobby is going to be as Gia gets older and starts dating.  

I really love spending time with other moms.  It helps me know how to be prepared for changes that Gia will go through (like crawling!) and to learn from their experience.  It also can be a little lonely some days since I spend most of my time in my house with just me & Gia, so I appreciate the time I get to spend with other adults.  Moms also understand if you have to run out of the room to change or feed a baby, or if you have to leave because your child is being fussy.  I don't ever feel guilty if I only get to spend 1/2 hour with Dawn because I know she understands and just enjoys hanging out even for a little bit.  I live so far away from any moms with babies at my church and don't get to have play-dates often, so this visit with Dawn was a nice treat.  



Gia is much smaller than the boys, but her head is almost as big :o)


Dawn shared her snacks with Gia.  She loved them!!

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