From birth my daughter has had a mullet. It's just gone from a rat tail, to now a full blown mullet. Business in the front, Party in the back! I can't bring myself to cut her hair at all, so it just keeps growing, and boy is it cute. Here is a side view of her hair:
She has also started getting her molars! She doesn't even have all of her other front teeth, and she's already getting molars! So far she has 2, with another one pushing its way through. She's been chewing on her fingers (as you see in this next picture), which was our first sign that they were coming. She never runs a fever when cutting teeth, but this time she had a 102.3 fever and was so miserable. The great thing about teething fevers, though, is that a little Advil takes all the symptoms away. Anyway, look closely and check out her molar in this picture:
The molars are awesome because she can now eat some raw veggies (up until this point I have had to steam all of them), and it makes eating in general easier for her. However, they seem to be coming in early, and I'm not ready for her to grow up yet! I can't believe how fast she is growing and changing. I love this stage of her life SO much, and I just want to freeze-frame it. At the same time, I'm so proud of who she's turning in to, and I can't wait to see her make an impact on the world.
Here are some more pictures from our "photo shoot" just for fun.
Papa Joe bought her this outfit before she was born. It was the first "gift" from him.
Gia's "cheese" face.
Gianna was trying to tickle herself.
I'm not sure what she was doing here, but it's a classic "Gia face" that she makes when she talks.
She loves her shoes, and she can say the word really well.
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