Monday, December 17, 2012

18 months

I feel like a bad mom, missing the post for Gia's 18 month milestone!  She turned 18 months on November 30 (well, 31st, but there is none), and I was waiting until her doctor's appointment to put up this post.  Of course, life happens, and I forgot.  But here I am writing it now!

So, the measurements from the doctor are:

Height:  31 3/4 inches (50%)

Weight: 23lbs 2oz (15%)

Head:  60%

Yeah, her weight is a little off from the rest of her, but she looks okay to me & the doctor wasn't worried, so all is well.  She's just not a big eater, and she runs around a lot buring off the calories she doesn't take in.  Here are some things from this past month:

Saying 40+ words now, some two-word sentences

Likes to play "catch me"

Can easily point to pictures in a book and say what it is (ball, puppy, baby)

Can point to pictures of people and say their names (Papa Joe, Nana, Mama, Daddy)

Learned how to say "La la la"

Started really singing to the radio

Doesn't sleep in much anymore

Got into 18 month clothes

Still wears size 4 shoes

Still delt with her discomfort and anxiety about her exema (which we have now solved).

Started "reading" to herself.

17 months was a lot of fun.  She started playing more and understanding new things, wanting to play on the bed a lot and read books.  She hates brushing her upper teeth now for some reason, but hopefully that will change.  She calls for Nola and tells her "No" and "Down" when the dog is being bad.  Her hair keeps growing, so I can do new, cute things with it!  She is just a joy in our lives, and I'm so excited to see her grow in her communication skills, and to see what kinds of things will interest her in the next 6 months.


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