Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sunday Morning Conversations

In order to fully appreciate this story, you have to know that our & Gia's bedrooms share a closet, so we can hear each other very well.

This morning we woke up to the sound of Gianna jabbering away in her crib.  I got up to get her and she wanted to keep playing in her crib.  I put my arms out to her and asked, "are you ready to get out?" and she said, "no."  So, I told her that she could keep playing and that I was going "night night" again.  I got back into bed, and she continued to play.  

About 10 minutes later, she said, "Mama?"

I said, "Yes Gia!" 

"Hi Mama!"  

"Hi Gia!"  




This is a game we often play, where she continually calls to me, and I call back to her.  It's one of my favorite things ever.  Then Bobby joined in, and we all called to each other through the closet doors.  When Nola heard all the commotion, she came up to my side of the bed and started to howl.  So, naturally, Gia howled.  Then Bobby and I howled, causing Nola to howl again.  We spent about 5 minutes howling back and forth.  It was so much fun.  I wonder what our neighbors must think.

Second story:

When Bobby was getting Gia out of the car for church this morning, they had a really sweet conversation:

Bobby: "Okay baby, time to get out."  

Gia saw his Bible and said, "Bi-buh."  

Bobby: "That's right Gia, that's my Bible.  We're going to go to church."

Gia: "Ah-min" (Amen)

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