I'm a little late on this post. I was going to put something up right around the 31st, but then we had that big wind storm, and then Gia had a fever for over 24 hours after her 6 month shots, so I haven't had time to take pictures or post. Anyway, I'm finally writing, and here are her 6 month doctor results:
Height: 25 3/4 inches...... 45%
Weight: 13 lbs 13.5 oz.... 15%
Head: 65% (I can't remember the cm)
So, I have a long, tiny, large headed baby :o) She is her daddy's daughter! Except that Bobby was extremely fat as a baby, so in that area she takes after me. Just for a reference, she weighs only a little more than I did at her age, but is 1 3/4 inches longer than I was! I wasn't 25 inches until 9 months. I guess she will definitely be taller than me (Bobby would say "that's not hard to do").
Some milestones she hit between 5-6 months were:
Saying "baba" and "mama" (I won the bet that she would say "mama" before "dada"... it doesn't matter that she doesn't know what it means. Bobby owes me ice cream :o) )
Sitting up on her own
Putting her feet in her mouth
Taking the bottle really well
Rolling over both ways
Eating solid foods (squash and applesauce)
Finally growing into her 3-6 month clothes!
Grabbing things, holding them, throwing them, watching them fall.
I'm sure there's more, but that's what I can think of right now. She is finally back to sleeping 8 hours at night, but it's a struggle to get her tired before 10:30pm. Right now, as I type this at 10:30pm, Bobby is attempting to get her to sleep. It's not really working. Other than that, she is a happy, joyful, social baby who loves to smile at strangers, laugh at Daddy and snuggle with Mommy. This is definitely my favorite stage so far. I love seeing her interact and play with her toys, smile at Nola (our dog), reach for me to hold her, and get tickeld at other small children. She is such a smiley, friendly baby, and I hope this personality sticks with her into her childhood. Happy 1/2 birthday, Gianna Grace!
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