Sunday, December 4, 2011

Missions are vital

Today in church we watched a video about the Lottie Moon Christmas offering (for those of you who aren't Southern Baptist, this is an offering that helps to support our overseas missionaries).  Lottie Moon literally gave up her life to share the gospel with China, and she has inspired this offering so that we can share Jesus with people in other countries.  The video displayed pastors, missionaries and lay-people speaking to us about how important --- no, VITAL --- missions are, and how we need to doing it overseas.  There are a lot of reasons that people go on mission trips themselves : too much money, jobs, kids, fears, time.  But as one person on the video said, there really is no sacrifice when you think of what Jesus has given for us.  We should be sacrificing of our time and money, putting aside our fears and our jobs, to go on missions.

Now, I realize that not everyone can acutally GO on a mission trip.  For example, I can't go really anywhere right now because Gianna is still nursing (but I'm planning to once she's weaned).  Some people have health problems or are the sole provider for their families and can't take time away from work.  But we should be EXCITED about missions!  We should rejoice when we hear of other people going to Slavokia, India or Peru.  We should give of our money to provide for those able to go, and we should sacrifice our time in prayer for the missionaries God has physically called overseas.

I hope this video makes your stomach get in knots from excitement like it did mine.  If you are a Christian and the thought of missions doesn't make you excited or moved, ask yourself why.  It is a commandment from Christ to go out and share the good news of His grace, but it's also the amazing privilege of every believer!  It's exciting!  Watch this video and see if God doesn't move in your heart.


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