I waited to post this until I could go to the doctor and get Gia's stats.
Weight: 16 lbs 2.5 oz (35%)
Height: 27 inches (35%)
Head: 70% (yup, still bigger than her body)
9 months goes by fast! Gia has been alive as long as the amount of time I was pregnant. That means it's been 1 1/2 years since God created this little beauty and since we knew that we were going to be parents. Crazy!
This month has been one of change in our little doll baby (as Bobby's mom calls her). Here are some of the things that have been going on:
Learned to crawl
Learned to clap
Gives kisses
Finally got down to 4 feedings in the day (and still one at night)
Babbles much more
Laughs every time Nola runs towards her
Going to bed by 8pm
Sleeping 11 hours at night (with one wake up) and 3-4 hours in the day
We now usually rock her to sleep... I realize this is not what experts say to do, but I just love snuggling with her.
It's a fight to get her to eat, except for sweet potatoes
She can wear 3M and 6M clothes, but is long enough for some 9M pants.
I found that doubling up on her socks makes them stay on
Got her first tooth
LOVES music, especially live (like at church)
Loves the church nursery
Got sick with a fever/cold and then stomach bug... yuck!
Went into size 3 diapers
Out-grew her infant shoes
Her personality continues to develop and she seems so aware of everything going on around her. As we are getting more sleep, we are finally saying to each other, "okay, I think we can do this again."
Wow! Gianna sure has gone through a lot of changes in a short time. And she looks so much different in that last photo ... like more of a little girl than a baby. She’s still a peanut though! Love, Dad.