Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nana & the duck pond

My mom has been in town visiting us for about 10 days, and it's been marvelous.  To my friends who have babies and live near their families, thank God everyday for that blessing.  It's the hardest thing I do, living away from my parents.  I have to trust God's plan for us and make the most of my time with them.  Mom and I have watched movies that Bobby doesn't like to with me (like the episodes of Gilmore Girls that I've seen 50 times), gone to Starbucks & Kid to Kid, played with Gia, and celebrated Mom's birthday.  So, needless to say, our time was sweet.  Thank you Dad, for sacrificing Mom for a couple weeks so that I could have her.

One cool thing we did with Nana was go to feed the ducks and Weber State.  It was a warm, sunny day (those are few and far between at this point in the year), so we took the bread I had been saving and had a little fun with the ducks.  Gia liked it, but didn't get giddy and excited like I thought she would.  Rather, she stared at the ducks with a contemplative look, just studying them and, I think, enjoying the experience.

In this picture you can see the little ducklings with their mama in the background.



Daddy telling Gia all about the ducks.

I love this one!  Bobby made both of them laugh!


I can't wait until my parents come back in August!  Then maybe Gia will actually throw the bread that I give her to the ducks rather than eat it.

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