Tuesday, October 30, 2012

17 months!

Gianna will be 17 months tomorrow (Halloween)!  I haven't done a great job of keeping track of when she's done new things lately, so I'm going to make a list of her all the things she's learned.  Bare with me...

Gianna can say between 25-30 words

She can show you where her: nose, eyes, tongue, mouth, hair, ear, belly, foot/feet are.

She knows where her poo-poo is.  Thanks, Uncle Josh.

She learned to say "no" about a week ago... we battled it for about 4 days, and it seems to have passed for now.  Thank goodness!

4 teeth came in within a month.  She has another one (the big one on the top) trying to come through, and it's almost there.


Her hair has grown a lot

She is still picky about eating.  Sometimes she will eat a good bit, and sometimes I am struggling to get her to eat anything.  She is also not predictable... she will gobble down carrots at dinner, and then refuse them the next day at lunch.

She drinks her milk well.  It's the only thing that keeps her from being skin and bones I think.

Gianna, you love your vitamins!  You always ask for more.

Still isn't into the TV, so Bobby and I are able to watch our programs, like Revolution and Gilmore Girls.  I wonder how long it will last.

She LOVES her shoes and socks!  She used to hate them, so I'm glad she wants to wear them now.

Bubbles are her FAVORITE thing.  She asks for them all the time.  She says, "buh-buhs."

Gianna loves bath time.  She likes to play with the faucet, but she doesn't like to lay back and have her hair washed.  She says, "ah dun,"  which means "all done."  

As long as I don't dry her clothes in the dryer, she still wears 12 months.  But she is growing and it won't be long before she's in 18 month clothes.  

She has discovered the hamper in the past couple days.  We've been finding random dirty socks around the house lately.

She likes to play in the dog's food & water bowls.  Not sure what to do about that one.  I'm just hoping her interest passes eventually.

Gianna's walking is getting really good.  She walks best without shoes.

She started singing while we were are Bobby's parent's house.  And when we sing "Twinkle Twinkle," she says, "up above" in the right place.  She also says, "up above" when she wants me to sing it.

Her kisses used to be opened mouthed & up to our cheeks.  Now she just bonks heads with us.  Thanks for teaching her that, Valerie :o)

Books are still a favorite thing.  She loves to turn the pages.

Her most favorite toy is this soft bear made of Alpaca fur.  Bobby got it for her in Peru.

She weighs 22 lbs now.

You're a blessing, sweet baby!  I love each new stage that comes!


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