Thursday, October 4, 2012

Flyin' High

Gianna's new favorite thing is for Bobby to launch her in the air.  When she was younger and he would lift her really high with one hand, I panicked.  But now, it's so much fun to watch!  Here are some shots from this afternoon.  Note her facial expressions and the beautiful fall leaves in the background.  Fall is here!!






Gianna amazes me with her ability to follow directions and understand what I'm saying.  For example, she learned a couple days ago that when I say, "let's change your diaper," she walks into her room where her changing table is.  Also, last night when I said, "Okay, it's time for night-night.  Let's get a book and your paci," she walked into her room, got a book off her shelf and then reached for where the pacifier always is.  Amazing!!  She also learns new words almost everyday and can obey other "commands" we give her, such as, "go get that_____."  Fill in the blank with toy, milk, cheese, blanket, shoe, etc...  FYI, I know every parent thinks their kid is amazing, but I'm really just writting all this so that I can remember when she learned this stuff and how I felt as she was learning it.

Our friends gave us this stand-up sand box, but they suggested that we could also fill it with water.  So, we did!  And Gia had a blast with Bobby while playing in it and getting wet.  Bobby said she wanted to sit down in the water, so needless to say she was soaked.


Another fun fact:  we have added "cleaning up" to our bed-time routine.  Last night I decided that it was time for her to start picking up toys (actually, I probably should have started about a month ago, but I kept forgetting), so we put her toys away together before reading her bedtime story.  Okay, so it was more me picking toys up and Gia putting them way & taking the back out again, but oh well, it's the habbit I'm trying to focus on and instill.

Also, we got her crayons and coloring books at the dollar store so that I could follow the doctor's directions and get her coloring.  She does more licking the crayons than coloring with them, but that's okay.  She seems to like it for a short while, but it's not as much fun as being tickled or chased, or even playing with the jack-in-the-box (a favorite game!).  I think her gifting might be in music more than art, anyway, but you never know.


Gianna Grace, you're growing so fast!  What will you get into next?

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