Sometimes things happen, and they take you off guard. Most of the time, I panic initially, but the situation ends up being fine in the end. So, first up was that my Corelle Ware plate broke. I mean, broke into 20 pieces. I am really good at chipping my "pottery" plates. I'm not sure how it happens, because I try to be careful with them, but inevitibly I end up chipping them. I have also broken a number of glasses in my lifetime, so we don't bother having nice china or anything around the house. But, I have never broken a Corelle ware before, and honestly I thought it was impossible. This stuff is supposed to be indestructable! But in Lindsay's kitchen, I guess everything is fair game.
So I was washing the dishes, and I had the plate in the sink. Above it, I was washing a bowl, and it slipped and fell on the plate. I mean, we're talking maybe 3 inches above the plate, and it shattered! Really? How does that happen?
Then, Gianna broke into a rash on Sunday night. We got home from church and she was broken out on just one side of her face. Bobby's mom suggested that it could have been a reaction to someone's perfume or fabric, and after giving her a bath, it got much better. Despite the look on her face, she wasn't in any pain or itching at all. It looked worse than what the picture shows... her ear was bright red, and she had the rash from under her eye to under her chin, but only the left side of her face.Then on Monday, when we got back from the gym, she had broken out all over her body. There were red areas on her legs, arms, back and face. It almost looked like mosquito bites because there were raised, white areas within the rash, but I knew it wasn't a bug bite.
So after talking to my mom, Bobby's mom and our friend Jennie, we decided it must be either a reaction to strawberries or a heat rash. And then, after further experimenting with being in the car, I think it is heat rash. I hate that she will break out like this everytime she gets hot, but hopefully when her sweat glads develop, it will stop. I panicked for a while, calling everyone I could think of to give me advice, but in the end, she was fine and the rash was not a major thing. Thank you, Lord!
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