Our baby girl is one year old today! I can't believe how this year has flown by, and how much we have loved it. Gia is a social, happy baby with a llittle bit of drama mixed in (especially if she's hungry or tired). She loves to babble, but the only words we can make out are "Uh-oh," "Hi," and occassionally "mama" and "daddy." She sometimes makes the "puh" sound for "puppy," but we haven't heard the actual word yet. You're cruising, but not walking yet... I think it's right around the corner, though! You love to eat "chubby bunny" style, and the sippy cup is still more of a toy then a cup. You love to blow kisses and wave "bye-bye," and we are just dying for you to give hugs!
Gia, you are deeply loved. As you grow up, remember that you have love and support from us, your aunt and uncle, your grandparents, great-grandparents, great-uncles and aunts, second cousins (and one day, cousins), church family, many friends, your dog, and most of all, from your Heavenly Father, who created you to be just who you are.
You will make mistakes in this next year, and I promise to be patient as you learn new things and try out your independence. I promise to let you grow at your own pace and not compare you to any other baby. I promise to love you with whatever personality, talents, interests and faults you develop, and (Lord willing) I promise to be here to help you grow in the knowledge of the gospel, so that you can know true love, peace and forgiveness.
We love you so much, Gianna Grace. You will always be our first little girl, with a special place in your Mama and Daddy's hearts. I will sadly miss your baby stage, but I am so excited to see you as a toddler! Thank you for being an amazing daughter. We wouldn't trade you for the world (not even for an Abbott's)!
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