Monday, May 14, 2012

Special Moms

Happy Mother's Day... a little late.  Bobby and I were SO busy yesterday, I didn't have time to blog (we knew we would be, which is why we celebrated Thursday night).  But I still want to write about how awesome it is to be on the other side of Mother's Day.  I am used to celebrating having a mom, but it's crazy that now I am a mom!  What a gift Gianna has been in my life.  I feel fulfilled in being her mom and taking care of her (although my true fulfillment is in Christ... this is just an "overflowing" kind of fulfillment.)  I feel so blessed that God would be gracious to us and give us this baby girl to play with, love on, lose sleep over, and see grow.  I love being her mom!


And I know that I couldn't be a good mom without my mom.  She just seems to know everything, like what to do when Gia is sick or how to cope with not getting enough sleep.  She encourages me to put off doing the dishes so that I can play with Gia, and she never makes me feel guilty for doing "dumb mom" things (like bumping Gia's head).  Mom, I love you as many stars are in the sky.  I couldn't be a mom without you.  You are my example and I thank God for you daily.  You are the best mom in the world!



I also happen to have the greatest mother-in-law a girl could ask for.  She is patient, kind, faithful in prayer and faithful to the Lord.  She can make and fix ANYTHING with a needle and thread, and is always cheerfully willing to sew the clothes that I save for her to fix.  She calls me when she know's I'm having a hard day or when Bobby goes out of town, just to make sure I'm okay.  I know she misses us, so we are just waiting for her to move to Utah.  

We're so grateful to have wonderful moms!  We don't take it for granted... we are reminded all the time of how blessed we are.  We love you!

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