Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bring on the Snow!

About a week ago we had a ton of snow fall in our town.  I have been waiting for this since we moved to Utah!  We have had 3 mild winters, and finally this year we got a good deal of snow.  We even got enough snow to close school, which doesn't happen often at all around here.  We got about a foot of snow, but it came down so fast that the plows couldn't keep up with it all.  Fortunately, we didn't lose power, so we just got to have a fun, snowy weekend!

First off, Bobby got our car stuck.  The traffic was AWFUL coming home, so he took a short cut around the back of the neighborhood.  Unfortuantely, one of the hills was covered in ice, and the Accord slid to the side & couldn't make it up.  My dad, Bobby and I spent a while trying to dig the car out, and then someone tried to toe us up the hill.  It didn't work, so we just left our car there until the next day.  

We took some snow walks.  It has been 11 years since I've seen this much snow (we had a big snow storm in Cary when I was 16 that closed school for a week), and I had such a blast stepping into the knee-height snow mounds and throwing snowballs.  Nola is in 7th heaven, and she just rolls around in our backyard to cover herself.  At times she was so covered in snow that had been falling that we had to really search to find her (she blended in!)  


We still have all this snow in our yards and driveways because it hasn't been above freezing in over a week.  I think it's supposed to warm up soon, so I'd better take advantage of this snow while I can!

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