Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas day was awesome.  It snowed the day before, so we had a white Christmas, and Gianna got spoiled.  I got my first taste of a late-night-Christmas-Eve-Mom; I was up until after 1am because of wrapping gifts, putting away food, getting Gia's toys & stockign ready, etc...  Despite this, Bobby and I were up early on Christmas morning.  Bobby kept asking me if my parents were awake yet so that we could go look at the tree (I think he was excited about giving me the big gift he had gotten me).  When we finally got them up, we made coffee and went out to see the tree.  The stockings were overflowing (mine with chocolate, Bobby's with candy) and the living room was filled with gifts. 


Christmases at my house growing up always lasted all day.  We didn't live near family, so we spent the whole day opening gifts and eating leftovers.  My dad always went overboard with gifts, which made Christmas morning so exciting as a kid.  Christmas for us lasted from morning to late night, mostly because there is a 5 minute story behind each gift.  We also tend to wrap our gifts 3 times, so it takes three times as long as a normal family to open everything.  This year we opened our stockings before Gianna got up, then opened some gifts with her & some of ours, and opened more after she went down for a nap.  We took a break when Gia got up so that we could enjoy her playing with her gifts, and then continued after she went to bed.  I think we finished around 10:00pm this year (because of the long break) :o) 

Papa Joe putting Gia down for her nap.


Both sides of our family are very giving people.  Bobby's big gift was an iPad that everyone had chipped in to get, and my big gift was a TV for our bedroom (insert big smile here).  I also got two seasons of the Duggars (my favorite show).  I love me some Duggars.  We were able to Skype with the Wood side as Bobby opened his iPad.  That was really special. 


Gianna of course got spoiled.  Bobby and I got her some leggos and play food for her kitchen.  Bobby's grandma had gotten her the most amazing rocking horse, which she LOVES.  My parents got her a tent & tunnel, train made of blocks, books, clothes, winter clothes & a stroller-sleeping-bag thing.  Bobby's parents had sent her the most amazing floor-piano (remember the piano from the movie Big?), a shopping cart, and later got her a baby doll (another post coming about that later) along with a ton of other things.  Gia and every other kid we ever have are totally set wtih toys until they're 5.  We are so grateful and blessed by the love of our families.  They are too good to us.

Here are some pictures from our Christmas in Utah.  Be prepared for picture overload :o)

Christmas Eve pictures:

Gia's tent that Bobby put together.
Go App!  Nana & Papa Joe got Gia a great sweatshirt.
We love to read The Polar Express.
My Dad and I opened our traditional candy bar gift!  The cure for that Christmas cough :o)
Bobby was pretty excited to get a deep fryer from his mom.
Our puppies even cuddled on this special day.

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